Erasmus+ "Bright Green Lands" Edukacja kreatywna Edukacja kreatywna - Kahoot- rezultaty quizów online IN HARMONY WITH NATURE POWER "Learning is Fun"

Erasmus+ POWER

"Bright Green Lands"

Współpraca na rzecz innowacji i wymiany dobrych praktyk

Opis projektu


Szkoły z Polski, Włoch, Portugalii i Chorwacji postanowiły zrealizować innowacyjny projekt Erasmus+ "Bright Green Lands". Nasze szkoły znajdują się w różnych częściach Europy, w tym na  terenach zwanych "zielonymi płucami". Staramy się łączyć edukację ekologiczną i ICT z doradztwem zawodowym. Świadomość ekologiczna jest ważna dla wszystkich partnerów- jako centra edukacyjne będziemy angażować się w  stałą kampanię na rzecz ochrony środowiska. Młodzież będzie mogła poznać warunki pracy, dostępnej w najbliższym otoczeniu, dzięki  poznaniu osób pracujących w pobliskich przedsiębiorstwach. Będziemy koncentrować się na pracy dotyczącej leśnictwa, stolarstwa, budowy jachtów, obróbki drewna.

Współpraca z innymi krajami, spotkania, wymiana doświadczeń jest najlepszym sposobem na osiągnięcie celów edukacyjnych, takich jak rozwijanie obywatelstwa europejskiego, lepszej komunikacji w językach obcych.

Wykorzystanie Twinspace do komunikowania się między nauczycielami i uczniami oraz wykonywanie zadań przy użyciu oprogramowania i narzędzi web 2.0 poprawi umiejętności TIK każdego uczestnika.

W ramach realizacji projektu, ze szczególną troską dbać będziemy o włączanie migrantów i ich rodzin oraz  uczniów ze specyficznymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi.

Wszystkie aspekty edukacyjne projektu znajdą odbicie w programach nauczania.





Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II is located in north-eastern Poland in rural areas, far from centres of culture. There are currently 160 students and 15 teachers. The school creates conditions of learning and teaching  to obtain a certificate of secondary education through the implementation of appropriate curricula for different subjects and deliberately exploit the interests and abilities in managing students’ own development. Our institution enables graduates continuing education in secondary , technical or vocational schools.

    School shapes the educational environment conducive to the objectives and principles set out in the education law according to their conditions and the age of the students by working closely with parents, the objectives of education in the processes of teaching and extracurricular activities, developing socially desired attitudes, preparation for life in the family and society. We cooperate with the Pedagogical Centre, organize meetings with parents and teachers.  We have also contacts with  the police, the family orchard and other institutions in a way of  preventing extreme forms of maladjustment of youth. We realize our own School Educational Program and School Prevention Program. We carry out national projects (Human Resources) and international (Comenius,  Regio, eTwinning), expanding the educational offer facility.


I.C.S.  "Sferracavallo" includes students aged 6 to 13, so it represents different levels of education.

 It includes 761students, 111 people as general staff. 

It is located in Sferracavallo -Tommaso Natale, a small fishermen area,  facing typical contradictions of  most southern cities, where underdevelopment and modernity coexist. Students' families are prevalently workers, fishermen, employees and small businessmen often running restaurants of typical Sicilian food (especially sea food) and living on tourism, due to the amazing Natural Marine Reserve of Capo Gallo; that is why most projects often focus on tourism, environment, eco-sustainability,  sea and sea food, also in terms of future occupability of students. On the other hand the school background results in social variety among our students.

Some students face the contrasts between what school suggests and what their life and families really offer. Our efforts aim at reducing contrasts and encouraging students to get the most from their studies, developing basic skills and improving their competences necessary for  their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship. Teachers and all staff, in synergy with families are determined to reduce early leaving as much as possible and provide the same opportunity to all students.

The Mission of our School includes: to offer a perspective of cooperation among all staff, families and students; to provide opportunities of lifelong learning to teachers and all staff, families and students; to realize a growth path through inclusive teaching and a vertical coherent curriculum; to promote active citizenship among students; to help the growth of all individuals as responsible and aware citizens, in the respect of their personal and cultural identity, towards an autonomous project of life; to enhance excellences and to support students with difficulties and special needs so as to limit school drop; to educate to tolerance, respect, individual responsibility, participation to citizenship, to promote dynamic teaching and learning.



OŠ Gornje Vrapče is elementary school in which children receive primary and secondary education from the ages about seven to fifteen. The school was established more than 50 years ago. It is a small school on the outskirts of the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. It has good technical base having at the disposal big gym, schoolyard, library and well-equipped classrooms . We have 298 students and 28 teachers. Several students have special needs and they are integrated into regular classes. For students who have any difficulties we organize extra classes where they can practice more, get help with their homework. The talented ones have variety of extra-curricular classes to choose from . We also organize school trips which let students know their country see different regions, learn geography or history in a much more practical way.  There are annual festivals, performers and competitions arranged by students and teachers. The cultural tradition and festivals represent an important curriculum aspect in education. Our students enjoy participating in sports, singing, playing, visits to museums and theater. Several of our students achieved the top results at national competitions in computer science, mathematics, astronomy, debate and first aid. Among other things, our school takes part in various European projects, such as: Erasmus+, eTwinning, Open Discovery Space, Inspiring Science Education, InGenious, U4Energy.

The main objectives of the education  and didactic work are focused on preparing students for living in modern world, changing very quickly and develop pupils’ psycho-physical abilities. Our students are educated according to  universal values, tolerance, solidarity, democracy, patriotism.

The school’s priority is to improve the school management and teaching-learning methods according to EU priorities and to use these to create an educationally motivating environment. The teachers and school staff encourage students to grow as individuals and become good citizens of the United Europe.



The Vocational School Dr. Francisco Fernandes is a public institution of secondary education, vocational nature, with administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets.

This is an establishment devoted public vocational education in the areas of vocational education and training, aimed at a young audience (from 15 years) and adult (you want to complete compulsory education and acquire a professional qualification for entry purposes in the labor market or improving the respective professional status) of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

It has the task of promoting training offers such as dual certification training courses at the level of Basic Education and Secondary Education (Courses of Education and Training for Youth, Education Courses and Training Adult School Certification Dual Certification Formations Modular and professional courses), to contribute to the integral formation of young people and the adult population of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and adequate preparation and socio-professional insertion of the same, focusing on areas of learning throughout life, particularly in the areas of mechanics , Information Technology, Management, Accounting, Tourism, Social and Mechatronics Service Areas.





Link do artykułu opublikowanego w "Kajecie" -  Warmińsko - Mazurskim Kwartalniku Oświatowym ("Na Wyspie Słońca", s. 17:


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Produkty końcowe

Preliminary questionnaire Kahoot


Preliminary test"

Logo contest  - link do galerii poniżej


polskie logo projektu 


Ice breaking activities – multimedia presentations and films about schools , regions

Prezentacja szkoły

Multilingual nature” – lexicon, multilingual vocabulary connected with names of plants


“Discovering greenery”- photo contest 


„Discovering Greenery”

International photography contest rules




 May 2018 – 30th November  2018


Who may enter


Students from four schools – participants of the Erasmus+ project


How to enter


The main category is forest life, connected with landscapes, amazing animals and beautiful plants.


  • The photos must be in JPEG  or JPG format
  • Mailed entries can be colour, black-and-white, sepia or filtered in artistic way (free style)
  • The photos should be arround 2-5 megabytes , well done, ready to print
  • Limit – 3 entries from each country ( in general 12 photos)




  • The Judging Panels will evaluate the entries based on the following criteria:


Creativity  50 %

Photographic Quality  50 %


  • Judging will take place at schools and online  in  November 2018




  • Every 3 winners will be awarded in their own country
  • One Grand Prize Winner will be selected from among the four First Place Winners on the Judging criteria
  • The Grand Prize will be funded by the main coordinator- school from Poland
  • The Grand Prize will be transferred to the time of meeting in Croatia


Laureaci konkursu w Zespole Szkolno-Przeszkolnym  w Wieliczkach

I miejsce - Mateusz Grabowski


II miejsce - Nadia Szyłkiewicz


III miejsce - Zofia Bruzgo


Wyniki międzynarodowego konkursu fotograficznego "Discovering Greenery".






Album “Bright Green Lands”


Every forest has a tale  - illustrated stories”


Fauna and Flora



Wood as a source of material and renewable energy - company visits 

Meetings with professionals (forresters, business managers, professional associations representatives)





Woods and Forests as a source...

Link do artykułu opublikowanego w "Kajecie" -  Warmińsko - Mazurskim Kwartalniku Oświatowym ("Egzotyczne widoki, smaki, przeżycia... - wizyta na Maderze", s. 17)

Our Forestry Cuisine- cook book

Impact questionnaire




  • Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Wieliczkach
    ul.Lipowa 10, 19-404 Wieliczki
  • 87 521 42 36

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